Staff & Elders

Leadership Team

Contact Dan

Our family moved to Indianapolis in 2017 to be a part of the work God is doing at The Creek! We absolutely loved this church and this community. Keren and I are blessed with three small children who you will find running the halls of this church every Sunday. My greatest passion and joy is worshiping the Lord and helping others to live a life fully devoted to Jesus.

Contact Mark

Our family first came to The Creek in 1999 when we brought our then three-year-old daughter to Vacation Bible School. We have been blessed by many ministry experiences, all while growing into a deeper relationship with Jesus and developing Christ-centered friendships. Missy and I have been married since 1995 and are blessed to be the parents of two daughters.

Contact Chad

Well, right out of the gate, I love Jesus and His church! I’m passionate about helping others find and follow Jesus! I’m a family man who loves spending time with my wife and three sons. I also love my friends, coffee, sports, movies, and Diet Coke. I’ve been at the Creek since 2014 but have 20+ years of experience in ministry.

Contact Laura

I’ve been a part of The Creek community since 2000 and have loved seeing God move in the lives of so many people over the years. I joined the staff in 2005 after 9 years of teaching high school choir—yes, that included show choir! (I love a good jazz square combo…) I love walking with others in their journey with Jesus and the depth of relationship that is built over time in the church. It’s really unlike anything else. I enjoy belting Broadway, laughing hysterically, reading great books, and living life with my two favorite people in the world, Matt and Abigail.

Contact Shan

I started at The Creek on the fourth of July in 2004. In my position I get to see and hear stories almost every day of how God is doing amazing things in the lives of those around me. I used to have my pilot’s license and enjoyed skydiving before I got smart. I love Biblical archaeology, hiking in the mountains, Disney, the St. Louis Cardinals, and my family.

Contact Katie

I’m a big fan of all things pink & aesthetic, and you can forever find me arranging flowers and drinking cherry coke. I’m married to my best friend, Parker, and we have two sweet boys, Paxton and Miles. I love being on a staff that loves one another and the church well, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to use my heart and passions to do the same in my role here at The Creek.



Contact Brandon

I love Jesus and his Church! I am passionate about seeing the next generation become Kingdom workers. The best part of me is my wife and four children. When we're not with the church, you'll find us boating, camping, or somewhere in the mountains. A few things that make me, me: Jesus, my family, and my beard - in that order. One fun fact about me is that I served as a hostage negotiator for the state of Indiana.

Contact Eric

My relationship with Jesus, my family, and my friends is what makes me “me”. When I prioritize them correctly, things are well with my soul, even when life is challenging. When I try to rearrange priorities, things get out of wack. We have a big family and a big church; it’s easy for me to get these out of order, so I have to focus on my relationship with Jesus to get them back in sync. Something many may not know about me is my love of classic rock and classic cars… I love loud music, especially old-time rock-n-roll. I enjoy nearly any music, even new stuff, but the music from the 70s and 80s is really hard to beat – I love concerts, and bands that I knew as a kid are my favorites. Pair that with a custom car show and I would be lost for a weekend.

Contact Kennedy

I encountered Christ first in the basement of a small-town church through the love of a children’s ministry volunteer. Since then, God has grown me to deeply love him, his people, and his church. I am wired for community and find delight in the awe-struck wonder of children discovering Jesus. I find great joy at the end of a good book and the bottom of a chai latte. But my greatest joy and favorite roles are being married to Michael and being a mama to Evie and Ruthie.

Contact Lauren

I am a girl who craves relationship and building connections. From being an early riser to start my day with Jesus to seeking out every possible moment to be with my husband, our girls, and our dog, I also try to be intentional with every person who crosses my path. I love being in nature; I especially love to watch sunrises and sunsets, even more so when they're painted across a mountain or over a lake. I love eating healthy and exercising, but still enjoy an indulgence of chocolate and ice cream now and then! God undeniably opened doors for me to take this position. Before this position became available, I had two fleeting, random thoughts: "I would like something different to do to challenge me but that will be flexible enough to let me continue practicing as an early intervention OT." and "I love our church so much, it'd be so fun to work for our church someday." A couple weeks later, the position became available and after a time of prayer and fasting, I began interviewing and now here I am!

Contact Liz

The summer I turned 15-years-old, God pursued me and called me to himself at a CIY conference. I knew right then there would be no turning back. Since that summer, I have matured in Christ, studied his word at Bible college, and discovered a deep love for his church. Recently, God pursued me once again as he made a way for me to join the staff at The Creek when I least expected it. However, I have found it quite a privilege to be part of a leadership team that loves God and wants to see his kingdom grow here in our community. I love traveling and hiking all around the USA with my husband Eli and our four children, reading, knitting, running, making people laugh, cold Cokes in a can, and the smell of skunks.

Contact Luke

I have a passion for middle school students to know Jesus. I want them to know that they are known, valued, and loved so dearly by God. I genuinely think middle schoolers are the coolest! Being able to see the process they walk through from 6th grade to 8th (and beyond) is awesome. I'm excited to see how God continues to unleash the untapped potential at The Creek with it comes to students and families. My wife is way cooler than me, but I somehow convinced her to join me on this crazy journey in ministry. She's the best!

Contact Melissa

I'm married to the best person in the world, Ron, and we have two sons, Sam and Max (plus a cutie doggy, Chili)! I love Broadway, New York City, camping, time with friends and family, laughing, playing with my dog, watching my boys swim and play tennis competitively, and traveling (so much so that my family is trying to visit all 50 states). We started attending The Creek in 2008 when our first-born was very young. We wanted a place with an awesome youth program, and boy, did we get it! We've been so blessed by this group of teens, their life group leaders here at The Creek, and becoming life group leaders ourselves. Even more now, I'm thrilled to be working with the Family team here at The Creek.

Contact Stella

I absolutely love people, but I do have my favorites — my husband Brock and our children, Lincoln and Mikinley. We have been at The Creek for 10 years. Getting to come alongside God and the wonderful team at The Creek is such an encouragement to me and I long to be a welcoming face and huge encouragement to all those I encounter here. I love to hang out with my family, friends (who are also family), read a good book, and color. I continue to see God move in a beautiful sunset and all throughout nature. I am learning how to slow down and let God be — and I am very grateful for his many gifts. One thing most people don’t know about me is that I am named after my great grandmother (who had 18 children).

Contact Will

Jesus and his church are awesome, which is why I love getting to serve him and the church every single day! It was my junior year of high school when I felt the call from God to ministry. At the time, I had no idea what that would look like for me. But during my four years at Johnson University, it became evident that God was calling me to serve the next generation. There is truly nothing like serving kids and being able to help them start to piece together a solid foundation for a relationship with Jesus that will last a lifetime! A few other things that make me, me: my love for Jesus, spending my free time hanging out with friends, Dr.Pepper, traveling to watch different sports events, and a passion for cheering on the Tennessee Volunteers and the Indianapolis Colts!

Formation & Outreach

Contact Brock

My favorite things are being married to Stella and being a dad to Lincoln and Mikinley. I am a big fan of art—both looking at it and attempting to create it—which is why I love my role at The Creek so much. I firmly believe that God shows us his love by giving us beauty in nature and by giving us all the ability to create beauty. Please hold your applause, but I was the spelling bee champion of my school in fifth grade. I retired from competition and didn’t seek to retain my crown in sixth grade.

Contact Clare

I’m an extremely relational person. I love building relationships, nurturing relationships, and studying relationships. I take great joy in helping people grow their relationship with others and with Jesus and I believe life groups are a great place for that to happen organically. Our family moved from the coastal community of Ventura, CA in April 2020 when I joined the team here at The Creek. My husband Dan and I have been married since 2008 and we love being parents to Eric, and twins, Emmett and Eleanor. In my free time you can usually find me drinking coffee and deep in conversation with friends, reading a good book, swimming, or fretting over how I am going to survive Indiana winters. Most people don’t know this, but I am quite gifted at wrapping leftover food into foil animals.

Contact Emerson

I began my time at The Creek over a few years ago as an intern and I guess they liked me enough to let me hang around! In my role here I get to help people practice the way of Jesus and live into the reality that they are the family of God. I love reading, writing, music, coffee, exercising, traveling, pondering, observing, and questioning. I’m an Enneagram 5, an INTJ, but most importantly a disciple of Jesus.

Contact Jeff

When I was 15 years old I encountered God at a Snow Camp in northern Michigan in a way that would change my life forever. Shortly after that, God called me to be a pastor and I said "Yes!" I’m so glad I did. I love to cultivate experiences that allow people to encounter the God who meets us in profound and meaningful ways. Being a husband to Adrienne and a father to five children are the greatest joys of my life. I’m most alive when I’m in the mountains, on the water, or enjoying good food with good friends. I am so thankful to be at The Creek and am eager to share moments like this with you.

Contact Lori

I am a mom of two kids and blessed with an amazing husband! I enjoy movies, shopping, cooking, Starbucks, and simply hanging out with my family. I love watching God work in the lives of individuals that seek Him faithfully in the midst of difficult circumstances. God loves to show up and bring unexplainable peace and victory. I have seen God reveal His truths in the lives of those who are seeking Him in the midst of difficult circumstances. He brings indescribable peace and victory!

Contact Rachel

I started coming to The Creek with my family when I was 15 years old. From the moment we walked through the doors we felt that this place, this church, was different. God has and continues to use The Creek to be formative in shaping me into the person and follower of Jesus that I am. I’ve experienced a true sense of God’s love, kindness, and presence through the people He has connected me to at The Creek. It is a joy to work and serve at a place that has had such an impact on my faith journey and be a part of helping others experience growth in their relationship with God. I love outdoor adventure, animals (especially dogs), and any time I get to spend being with family and friends!

Contact Rhett

I have none but Jesus to thank for making me “me” (and saving me from myself). Without His love, I’m not sure where I would be, but because of it I am a better husband, father, and follower of Christ. He has blessed me with an amazing wife, four kids, and a community of friends and family that make me want to be the best version of myself for their sake. I’m humbled and grateful to be a part of such a great church where I see God moving so clearly. My favorite part of working here is the people I get to serve with; their hearts are awesome and they are fixed on loving others well!

Contact Scott

I LOVE how I get to spend my days. An early mentor of mine would say “I have never worked a day in my life because I love what I get to do.” My favorite part is the eye-opening transformative conversations I get to have with those who are experiencing so many new realities when it comes to growing in God. I definitely married up and love the way my wife challenges me to continually consider things at a deeper level.

Story & Experience

Contact Benaiah

I have been serving at the Creek since 2017 and since day one I have fell in love with the production world. I love getting to serve with our volunteers and have a connection with them that reaches outside of just a Sunday morning. My favorite part of being a staff member at the Creek is watching people grow with Christ and watching the Lord move through our church.

Contact Caroline

My favorite roles in life are being Heath's wife and Davis and Wally's mom. Luckily, I like my job quite a bit, too. I first encountered Jesus as a high school student here at The Creek, altering the trajectory of my life, so being a part of staff all these years later is an immense privilege. I love stewarding the story God is writing at our church and celebrating the life change taking place here. I'm a textbook extrovert who enjoys exploring with my kids, devouring a new book, indulging in far too much caffeine, and starting a dance party.

Contact Kelsey

I’m passionate about the next generation and love seeing kids of all ages develop and grow in their faith. Leading a high school life group and filling our home weekly with students actively pursuing Jesus is one of my greatest joys. I love spending the rest of my time with my husband and kiddos – preferably outside hiking, running or making s’mores. I’m also always down for a good game of euchre and a cup of coffee.

Contact Leslie

Good conversation, game nights, vanilla coke, Mexican food, the Purdue Boilermakers, and ice cream are some of my favorite things. My husband, Daniel and daughters, Ellie and Tinley will always take the top spots on that list, though. Being a part of The Creek staff, I love seeing people find their identity in Jesus and grow to look more like Him. There’s nothing more encouraging than to sit in a Sunday service and see people fully engaged in worship.

Contact Matt

I am a husband to Dana and a dad to Tyler, Josie, and Blake. I began serving at The Creek in the fall of 2016 as the Technical Arts Director. One of my favorite things about serving at The Creek is the remarkable volunteers I get to work with, week in and week out. Their commitment to serving those around them with excellence is remarkable!


Contact Brian

I build and support the Information Technology systems at The Creek so that they help us fulfill our mission to transform community for Christ. I’m a graduate of Kentucky Christian University and have been married to my wife, Sarah, since 2007. We have two kids.

Contact Lia

I love spending time with my family, drinking a strong cup of coffee, and reading a good book. I really love to learn new things and stretch myself. My favorite thing about The Creek is the intentionality to make a big church feel small. It can be easy to get lost in the big crowds but we sincerely want to love on people as they come to know God better and then teach others around them who he is.

Contact Nathan

I'm the behind-the-scenes hero at The Creek, taking care of all things maintenance. From fixing squeaky doors to fine-tuning toilet flushers, I've got it covered. When I'm not donning my maintenance cape, I'm strumming chords as a musician. Music is my escape, my way of adding harmony to the routine. And yes, I sport a mullet – because even maintenance can have style, right?