Men's Formation at The Creek

We envision a faith community where men are being formed into the image of Christ through participating in small, meaningful, consistent circles of courageous friendships. Have you ever wondered if you can be both fully known and fully loved? Have you ever felt uncertain of how to raise children in today's cultural climate? Have you ever longed for meaningful relationships that point you to Jesus? This is why we're invited to walk through life together. 

Below you can discover other ways to get engaged in formation opportunities specific to men.

Becoming Men of God

This is a confusing time to be a man. Boys don’t grow up. Men don’t grow wise. The messages we receive around what it means to be a good man are confusing and contradictory. The consciences of men have been dulled, and sadly, men are giving themselves to idols that cannot save them. Into this moment God beckons us, “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” Everything we do as part of men’s formation is designed to foster these virtues.

Weekly Gatherings

  • Prayer Gatherings - Thursdays at 6:30am (Prayer Room, park and enter door 2)
  • Men’s Bible Study - Sundays at 7am (Atrium A)

Fighting Shadows by Jon Tyson
The Silence of Adam by Larry Crabb

Weekly Prayer Gatherings Weekly Bible Study

Forming Christlike Fathers

Investing into our children is our highest call as fathers. But how often do we find ourselves feeling alone or stuck when it comes to discipling our children? You are invited to enter a community of men who are raising up sons and daughters together with a Kingdom-mindset. Keep a look out for upcoming ways to engage like a daddy+daughter dance, father+son campout, and more. 

The Intentional Father by Jon Tyson
Man Maker Project by Chris Bruno
Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley

Family Dedication

Forming Christlike Friendships

We all need companionship and regular opportunities to connect with other men... to listen to stories, share our hopes and failures, to lock arms with each other and fight the battle together. This is why men at The Creek are regularly inviting friends into meaningful opportunities that allow us to move into a deeper sense of what it means to be a man of God.

In these circles, men are invited to be present (minimize distractions), be curious (minimize fixing, one upping and advice giving), be grace-filled (minimize condemnation and shame) and be an advocate (maximize prayer, high expectations for holiness and personal support).

When and where do these conversations of consequence take place? That’s up to you. Invite some friends. Build a fire or throw some meat on the grill. Utilize the resource linked below and let the good times roll.

Fire Nights: Forging Brotherhood That Heals by Burke Atkerson