Join us for Easter with The Creek!

Over the last few months, we've surveyed and grown in our understanding of Jesus' Kingship through the Gospel of Matthew. Join us Easter weekend as we celebrate the climax of the greatest story ever told - Jesus' resurrection. Because Jesus rose from the grave, hope is alive and available for each of us. Let's celebrate together! 

Easter service times

Saturday, April 19 at 3 & 5pm
Sunday, April 20 at 9 & 11am

Holy Week and Good Friday Experiences

The week leading to Easter - and especially Good Friday - is all about the anticipation and longing for Jesus' resurrection. This year, we're leaning into that anticipation of the celebration to come by offering experiential prayer, reflection, and worship the few days prior to Easter weekend. Participate individually, as a family, or gather as a life group. 


April 16, 17, 18 - Self-Guided Prayer Experience - 5-8pm
April 18 - Good Friday Service - 7pm 
*Children's programming for birth to 2 years old available Friday, April 18, 6-8pm*

What to Expect

  • All Easter services will be identical.
  • Watch online at thecreek.org, on Facebook Live, or YouTube Live.
  • Kidustrial Park programming will be available for birth-5th grade for all services.
  • Access Children's class will occur on Sunday at 9 & 11am and the adult class on Sunday at 11am.
  • ASL will be available on Sunday at 11am.

Interested in Serving?

Let's connect people to Jesus together this Easter! Serving is a fun and tangible way to make big weekends like Easter possible. Whether it's on the front lines greeting guests, serving in industrial park, or helping pull off a few special elements, would you consider joining our team?

Sign up To Serve