Connection Classes

Moneywise Seminar
Join us the fourth Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8:30pm.
  • Moneywise will help provide you with tools to gain control of your finances and begin to see hope for your future.
  • Create a savings and spending plan, set attainable goals and avoid predatory lending.
  • One gas card provided per household for those in attendance. 
  • Email to RSVP or with any questions. 
Event Details
Discovering Value Seminar

Join us the third Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8:30pm, South Room 2

  • We’ll discuss our identities in Christ and learning how to leave behind shame, guilt, and defeat.   This Discovering Value seminar will allow us to see the value that God has already created in us!
  • One gas card provided per household for those in attendance. 
  • Email to RSVP or if you have any questions.

Event Details
Creek Food Co-op

Food Co-op meetings the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month. 

  • Our Food Co-op provides an opportunity for you to be a part of a supportive group of families that know and care for you. 
  • The food support received with this group will  free up finances from weekly groceries that can be used towards other expenses. 
  • Please know that due to the current number of families participating, you may be added to a waitlist. 
  • In order to join this group, you must read through and complete the agreement form
Event Details
Auto Ministry
  • The Creek and Ray Skillman Chevrolet (Post Road) have partnered to provide access to affordable auto repair options for those families within our Generous Ministry service area who are experiencing financial hardship.
  • Through this partnership, we are able to offer discounted auto repair services to help you maintain the safety and reliability of your current transportation in an affordable way.
  • When you sign up to receive access to these services, you will still be responsible for your portion of the repair costs.
  • If you recently received assistance through the Generous Ministry, complete the Auto Ministry Agreement form in order to receive an Access Card. 
  • If you have not received assistance, but would like to receive access to these discounted services, complete the Auto Ministry Application form
Event Details
Other Resources
  1. Food Support – Community Compass App - Load the “Community Compass” app on your phone to locate food resources in your area.
  2. - Explore local resources based on your zip code.
  3. Call 211 ( - Explore local resources throughout Indiana
  4. Trustee’s Office - Your local township trustee is available to provide financial resources to those living within the community. If you don’t know how to contact your trustee’s office, call 211 for information.
  5. St. Vincent De Paul - You may be able to receive support here if you are in need of basic items for your home such as furniture and appliances.
Event Details